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How to Use Tool Lanyards

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We all know the importance of protecting an employee working at heights. Personal fall protection such as lanyards and self-retracting lifelines (SRLs) work to arrest a worker’s fall safely. But there is another kind of “fall hazard” that is dangerous to other workers on the ground, working underneath and around an elevated jobsite. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 237 deaths were caused by workers being struck by falling objects or equipment in 2017. In construction alone, these types of accidents accounted for 8% of all fatalities. OSHA reports about 50,000 incidents each year involving workers being injured by falling objects such as tools and equipment.

These statistics show that a solution for securing tools and equipment is not just a “nice-to-have”—it can be as vital as making sure the workers themselves are protected from falls.

Here at Malta Dynamics, we’ve designed tool lanyards to address this very issue in the most convenient and affordable way we could engineer. Tool lanyards must act as fall protection lanyards do, securing your tools or equipment and preventing them from falling if dropped. Our tool lanyards include a screw-lock carabiner to attach securely to any compatible harness work belt, tool belt, or lanyard keeper. The tool lanyards can carry tools up to 15 pounds of combined weight.

Our tool lanyards are lightweight (under 1 lb.) and easy to transport to and from a jobsite at any height. Their high-visibility design makes them easy to see and grab quickly. The durable and easy-to-use design means that you can rely on these tool lanyards for everyday use.

Using tool lanyards every time you work with loose tools and equipment at heights is a great habit to form, because securing these loose items can help to reduce the painful statistics of injuries and fatalities caused by falling objects on worksites that we read about each year. We invite you to become part of the solution by checking out tool lanyards for your team at

We can help with your fall and safety protection needs. Call us today!

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