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Importance of Overhead Fall Protection

This week we are going to discuss why overhead fall protection is important. Greg and David recorded this episode LIVE from World of Concrete 2022 in Las Vegas!

On this week’s episode of Dynamic Discussions, Greg and David are at the World of Concrete Trade Show in Las Vegas! They answer the question ‘why is overhead fall protection important?’ A main reason that overhead fall protection is important is: if you’re tied-off at foot-level, you’ll have an increased risk for a swing fall. David gives the example of being on a 10′ shipping container (like the one in this video): if you were to tie-off at foot-level on the same container he is standing on, you’d need 16-21′ of fall clearance to ensure your self-retracting lifeline has enough space and time to stop the fall. The other alternative to working in fall arrest could be working in fall restraint, but that can really limit your working radius and ability to get the job done.

So, now what? You’ve got to think outside the box!

In this video David and Greg reference the XSERIES Mobile Grabber. This piece of equipment provides overhead anchorage for as many as 5 workers at up to 34′ in the air. This mobile fall protection system is an ideal solution for work scenarios like this, where foot-level tie-off is dangerous and overhead anchorage is impossible to find.

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