Malta Dynamics

Roadblocks to Jobsite Safety

Roadblocks to jobsite safety

The construction industry continues to grow significantly each year. With more workers than ever, knowing how to promote jobsite safety is critical. By overcoming common barriers to worksite safety, you can decrease fatalities and improve your company’s safety culture.

Roadblock 1: Worker Complacency

Complacency is one of the most common barriers to workplace safety. Workers may take shortcuts or risks to finish projects or meet expectations quicker as they become less mindful of safety.

One way to overcome this obstacle is to create a safety committee with employees from all levels of your business. Involving your workers in the process of creating and implementing a safety program will help them take an active interest in your company and its standards. You can also gain valuable insights from your team members regarding areas where safety could be improved.

To decrease complacency in the workplace, it is essential to:

  • Keep safety at the front of workers’ minds.
  • Reinforce safety rules or procedures.
  • Refrain from repetitive routines.
  • Implement an observation program.

Roadblock 2: Lack of Communication

Improving communication among workers at all levels is essential to overcoming roadblocks to safety on the jobsite. One of the best ways to promote workplace safety is by holding a brief meeting at the start of each day to discuss which tasks are on the schedule and share reminders about safety procedures. During this meeting, you can also address any concerns your team members have or acknowledge any employees you observed following correct safety practices the previous day.

Some additional ways to improve communication in the workplace include:

  • Discussing the value of your company’s safety mission.
  • Ensuring messaging is clear for all employees.
  • Listening to input from your employees.

Roadblock 3: Inadequate Safety Training

When you provide regular opportunities for training, your employees will be more likely to participate in safe practices, leading to a lower chance of injury. Ongoing training shows your workers that you’re investing in their health and helps them keep safety at the top of their minds to reduce complacency.

Additional methods for improving jobsite safety through training include:

  • Investing in regular safety training software to meet standards such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance.
  • Developing a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan.
  • Implementing ongoing coaching and mentoring.

Contact Malta Dynamics Today

There’s always room for improvement when it comes to workplace safety. Committing to putting proper training, effective communication and a safety-focused workplace culture first will help you overcome many common roadblocks to jobsite safety. Contact Malta Dynamics today to learn more and explore our safety course options.

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